Contributing and Copyright

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What is a Contribution?[edit]

You “contribute” to a work when you edit, create derivative works from, re-use, re-mix, or create a new module or component that is incorporated within that work.

Examples include editing the Wiki-Wiki, writing a software module, or

Wiki-Wiki Contributions[edit]

If you contribute any work — writing, editing, files, or otherwise — to this Wiki-Wiki (Canonically:, your contributions must be under the Creative Commons CC-BY-SA 4 license. See Project:Copyrights.

Game Software[edit]

If you contribute any work to the Tootsville V video game software code, your contributions are under the license applicable to the software module to which you are contributing, and must be made in accord with the requirements of the existing license.

Art, Assets, Music, et al[edit]

Any other creative works contributed, such as artwork, 3D models, animations, music, sound effects, or the like, which you contribute, must be licensed under a compatible license that is equivalent to, or more permissive than, CC-BY-SA 4. CC-0 (Public Domain) contributions are also accepted.

Authorship and Moral Rights[edit]

The collective authorship of all covered works (Wiki-Wiki, game software, game assets, et al.) is embodied in law by the Violet Volts Legal Representative for purposes of enforcement of their licenses. You give that Representative the power to defend the copyright in any jurisdiction necessary.

Becoming a Contributor[edit]

If you submit a Contribution, your contents will be accepted only with the understanding and legal right to consent to these terms.

Wiki-Wiki contributions are dedicated by the passage above the Save Page button.

For other contributions, we prefer that you explicitly dedicate the copyright license with your contribution. This can be in the form of:

  • A comment in a source code file that you created;
  • A comment in a Pull Request or e-mail or similar;
  • Metadata attached to a file, such as the comment fields in a PNG, EXIF data in a JPEG, or ID3 tags in an MPEG or Ogg file.
  • A comment or dedication given in the Wiki-Wiki.


Please add an appropriate (and brief) attribution to the relevant Category:Credits page if you like.

Minor-age Contributors[edit]

If you are under the age of 18, or considered a minor or dependent by law in your area (eg, if you are Cognitively Disabled), please obtain consent from your guardian as per Minor-Age Contributors