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Tootsville takes place on the isle of Tootanga on the planet Chœrogryllum.


The year 2016 on Earth was approximately the year 148 in Chœrogryllum.

A Chœrogryllum year is only 360 days, though, and the days are shorter, so an Earth year is a bit longer than a Chœrogryllum year.

Time of Day

Days last 18 hours, but the Tootangan nine-day week is about the same length as an Earth seven-day week. Our hours, minutes, and seconds are slightly longer than yours, too, but you probably won't notice the difference.

What this means, is that if you sign in at the same (Earth) time every day, you'll experience different times of day in Tootsville.

Days of the Week

The 9 days of the week are:

Lightningday, Spotsday, Starsday, Notesday, Sparklesday, Moosday, Heartsday, Floralday, Blanksday

Months of the Year

Every month has exactly 30 days.

There are 12 months, similar to the Gregorian calendar used on Earth. Their names are:

Sirenia, Dugon, Inunguis, Manatus, Hydrodamalis, Senecalensis, Pygmaeus, Loxodonta, Elephas, Procavia, Dendrohyrax, and Tethytheria.

The Moon is New (dark) on the first day of every month, and Full on the 15th.


The Moon orbits in 30 days. There are two other moons, called The Other Moon and The Pink Moon. Their orbits are different. Whenever all three moons are full at the same time, the Toots celebrate the holiday of Trimestus and have a huge party.

Other holidays in Tootsville include festivals on the Equinoxes and Solstices, as well as Fawkesday (a holiday with lots of fireworks!), Hallowe'en, Hugaboo, Easter, Christmas, and the Summer Arts Festival.

Year 151 (approx. 2019)

I. Sirenia

   Ltn. Spt. Str. Not. Spk. Moo. Hrt. Flr. Bnk.
     1*¹  2    3    4    5    6    7    8    9  
    10   11   12   13   14   15*² 16   17   18  
    19   20   21*³ 22   23   24   25   26   27  
    28   29   30  
*¹: New Year's Day on Lightningday, the first of Sirenia, 151
*²: Full Moon on Moosday, the fifteenth of Sirenia, 151
*³: Winter Solstice on Starsday, the twenty-first of Sirenia, 151

II. Dugon

   Ltn. Spt. Str. Not. Spk. Moo. Hrt. Flr. Bnk.
                    1    2    3    4    5    6  
     7    8    9   10   11*¹ 12   13   14   15*²
    16   17   18   19   20   21*³ 22   23   24  
    25   26   27   28   29   30  
*¹: Full Other Moon on Sparklesday, the eleventh of Dugon, 151
*²: Full Moon on Blanksday, the fifteenth of Dugon, 151
*³: Full Pink Moon on Moosday, the twenty-first of Dugon, 151

III. Inunguis

   Ltn. Spt. Str. Not. Spk. Moo. Hrt. Flr. Bnk.
                                   1    2    3  
     4    5    6    7    8    9   10   11   12  
    13   14   15*¹ 16   17   18   19   20   21  
    22*² 23   24   25   26   27   28   29   30  

*¹: Full Moon on Starsday, the fifteenth of Inunguis, 151
*²: Easter on Lightningday, the twenty-second of Inunguis, 151

IIII. Manatus

   Ltn. Spt. Str. Not. Spk. Moo. Hrt. Flr. Bnk.
     1    2    3    4    5    6    7    8    9  
    10   11   12   13   14*¹ 15*² 16   17   18  
    19   20   21*³ 22*⁴ 23   24   25   26   27  
    28   29   30  
*¹: Full Pink Moon on Sparklesday, the fourteenth of Manatus, 151
*²: Full Moon on Moosday, the fifteenth of Manatus, 151
*³: Spring Solstice on Starsday, the twenty-first of Manatus, 151
*⁴: Full Other Moon on Notesday, the twenty-second of Manatus, 151

V. Hydrodamalis

Ltn. Spt. Str. Not. Spk. Moo. Hrt. Flr. Bnk.

                1    2    3    4    5    6  
 7    8    9   10   11   12   13*¹ 14   15*²
16   17   18   19   20   21   22   23   24  
25   26   27   28   29   30  
*¹: Hugaboo on Heartsday, the thirteenth of Hydrodamalis, 151
*²: Full Moon on Blanksday, the fifteenth of Hydrodamalis, 151

VI. Senecalensis

Ltn. Spt. Str. Not. Spk. Moo. Hrt. Flr. Bnk.

                               1    2    3  
 4    5    6    7*¹  8    9   10   11   12  
13   14   15*² 16   17   18   19   20   21  
22   23   24   25   26   27   28   29   30  

*¹: Full Pink Moon on Notesday, the seventh of Senecalensis, 151
*²: Full Moon on Starsday, the fifteenth of Senecalensis, 151

VII. Pygmaeus

Ltn. Spt. Str. Not. Spk. Moo. Hrt. Flr. Bnk.

 1    2    3*¹  4    5    6    7    8    9  
10   11   12   13   14   15*² 16   17*³ 18  
19*⁴ 20*⁵ 21*⁶ 22   23   24   25   26   27  
28   29   30*⁷
*¹: Full Other Moon on Starsday, the third of Pygmaeus, 151
*²: Full Moon on Moosday, the fifteenth of Pygmaeus, 151
*³: Summer Arts Festival on Floralday, the seventeenth of Pygmaeus, 151
*⁴: Summer Arts Festival on Lightningday, the nineteenth of Pygmaeus, 151
*⁵: Summer Arts Festival on Spotsday, the twentieth of Pygmaeus, 151
*⁶: Summer Solstice on Starsday, the twenty-first of Pygmaeus, 151
*⁷: Full Pink Moon on Starsday, the thirtieth of Pygmaeus, 151

VIII. Luxodonta

Ltn. Spt. Str. Not. Spk. Moo. Hrt. Flr. Bnk.

                1    2    3    4    5    6  
 7    8    9   10   11   12   13   14   15*¹
16   17   18   19   20   21   22   23   24  
25   26   27   28   29   30  
*¹: Full Moon on Blanksday, the fifteenth of Luxodonta, 151

VIIII. Elephas

Ltn. Spt. Str. Not. Spk. Moo. Hrt. Flr. Bnk.

                               1    2    3  
 4    5    6    7    8    9   10   11   12  
13   14*¹ 15*² 16   17   18   19   20   21  
22   23*³ 24   25   26   27   28   29   30  

*¹: Full Other Moon on Spotsday, the fourteenth of Elephas, 151
*²: Full Moon on Starsday, the fifteenth of Elephas, 151
*³: Full Pink Moon on Spotsday, the twenty-third of Elephas, 151

X. Procavia

Ltn. Spt. Str. Not. Spk. Moo. Hrt. Flr. Bnk.

 1    2    3    4    5    6    7    8    9  
10   11   12   13   14   15*¹ 16   17   18  
19   20   21*² 22   23   24   25   26   27  
28   29   30*³
*¹: Full Moon on Moosday, the fifteenth of Procavia, 151
*²: Autumn Equinox on Starsday, the twenty-first of Procavia, 151
*³: Hallowe'en on Starsday, the thirtieth of Procavia, 151

XI. Dendrohyrax

Ltn. Spt. Str. Not. Spk. Moo. Hrt. Flr. Bnk.

                1*¹  2    3    4    5*²  6  
 7    8    9   10   11   12   13   14   15*³
16*⁴ 17   18   19   20   21   22   23   24  
25*⁵ 26   27   28   29   30  
*¹: Hallowsday on Notesday, the first of Dendrohyrax, 151
*²: Fawkesday on Floralday, the fifth of Dendrohyrax, 151
*³: Full Moon on Blanksday, the fifteenth of Dendrohyrax, 151
*⁴: Full Pink Moon on Lightningday, the sixteenth of Dendrohyrax, 151
*⁵: Full Other Moon on Lightningday, the twenty-fifth of Dendrohyrax, 151

XII. Tethytheria

Ltn. Spt. Str. Not. Spk. Moo. Hrt. Flr. Bnk.

                               1    2    3  
 4    5    6    7    8    9   10   11   12  
13   14   15*¹ 16   17   18   19   20   21  
22   23   24*² 25*³ 26   27   28   29   30*⁴

*¹: Full Moon on Starsday, the fifteenth of Tethytheria, 151
*²: Christmas Eve on Starsday, the twenty-fourth of Tethytheria, 151
*³: Christmas on Notesday, the twenty-fifth of Tethytheria, 151
*⁴: New Year's Eve on Blanksday, the thirtieth of Tethytheria, 151